
SMH Foxfield is currently bi-located in both Kilbarrack, Dublin 5, and Swords, Co. Dublin.

Both locations are under the same School Roll Number, have the same In-School Management, and are under the governance of the same Board of Management. This means that all school policies and procedures are the same across both locations unless otherwise specified.



Summer Programme 2024 - special schools


Brand New Sticker by Joanne Hawker for iOS & Android | GIPHY

Yoshie Sakai + Evan Wright | BAD HABITS by DE:FORMALAcademic Calendar 2024 - 2025

Yoshie Sakai + Evan Wright | BAD HABITS by DE:FORMALAgreed Report from the Board of Management - 27/06/2024

Yoshie Sakai + Evan Wright | BAD HABITS by DE:FORMALStaff Welcome Booklet

Admissions 2024 - 2025

Documentation for Admissions to Foxfield Special School for the academic year 2024 - 2025 are available for download below:

- Admission Notice 2024 - 2025

- Admission Policy 2024 - 2025

Application Form 2024/2025:     PDF     docx.



Please note the following for enrolment for the academic year 2024/2025:

  • The school will commence accepting applications for admission from the 27th October 2023 until the 19th January 2024.
  • Applications will only be accepted when delivered to the school or emailed to admissions@foxfieldsmh.ie. Applications sent to any other email will not be considered.
  • In order to meet criteria for enrollment at Foxfield Special School, a psychological report dated within 2 years of applying must accompany the application and include:

________A diagnosis of autism/ASD

________A clear and distinct diagnosis of a moderate or severe GLD / ID / GDD

________- A primary recommendation for a placement in a special school setting 

  • Applications that do not meet the above criteria will be returned. Parents or advocates for applicants will then have the opportunity to seek the relevant documentation or clarifications to reapply if criteria is met.




About our School | Poulacapple National School

SMH Foxfield is a multi-denominational, co-educational school for children with a dual diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and a moderate general learning disability, where the children are treated with dignity and respect and are enabled to participate, to the best of their ability, in an educational programme tailored to their individual needs to help support them to live a full and independent life within their families and their communities. Foxfield School aims to provide a nurturing, positive and safe environment within which students can reach their full potential, supported by environmental and teaching aids that are specific to an ASD approach, such as TEACCH, Social Stories, Floortime and C-ABA.   

We also aim:

·To provide a broad, balanced curriculum appropriated to the needs of each student.

·To prioritise functional life skills, especially with older students, through programmes such as ASDAN.

·To work in collaboration with our multi-disciplinary team in supporting our students to the best of our ability.

·To provide a caring and fun filled environment for our students in being mindful of the happiness and wellbeing of each student through  recognising that a happy and content child will be in a better position to learn and achieve new goals/more capable of learning and achieving new goals.

·To focus on individual strengths and areas of need through the Individual Education Plan (I.E.P) process.

·To be respectful of each student's ability to communicate and use augmentative communication systems such as PECS, Lamh and objects of reference to give our students a voice.

·To provide a stimulating, visual and interesting environment while keeping in mind sensory preferences that our students may have, such as a quiet, soft lighted and clutter free environment.

·To ensure equality of opportunity for all students.

·To provide for active participation in the local community

·To develop a partnership between home and school. 

Contact Us


Foxfield Special School,

Briarfield Villas,

Greendale Road,


Dublin 5.

Telephone Number:

01 832 5009


kari.braykelly@smh.ie/ principal@foxfieldsmh.ie


Our School is attached to the Coláiste Dhúlaigh CFE building.

Find us on Google Maps by clicking on the image below.



Foxfield Special School Swords,

Swords Enterprise Park,

Feltrim Road,


Co. Dublin,

K67 W9Y8.

Telephone Number:

01 211 9123





Our Swords campus is loacted in Swords Enterprise Park, behind the Malahide Portmarnock Educate Together Secondary School.

Find us on Google Maps by clicking on the image below.





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Heart Shaped Autism Puzzle Piece SVG (Graphic) by AM Digital ...

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